
Choose Package Free Snacks

Choose Package Free Snacks

When you get that rumble in your tummy, and you need a snack, what do you usually turn to? Do you grab a bag of chips? A chocolate bar? A muffin? A hummus cup? No matter what you like to snack on, we have a piece of advice: start choosing snack options that are naturally package free. Packaging is one of the largest contributors to global plastic pollution, and with the majority of snack items swathed in single-use plastic, it is easy to see how so much ends up in landfills and polluting natural ecosystems.

Choosing packaging-free snack options won’t just help you reduce your personal plastic waste, it can also help you eat healthier. Pre-packaged food options are typically full of chemical preservatives, lots of sugars, artificial dyes, and so on, making them less than a healthy option. Packaging-free snacks are typically 100% natural and don’t contain all the nasty ingredients often found in pre-packaged snack options.

Some delicious packaging-free snack options include:

  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Bulk nuts
  • Snap peas
  • Bulk trail mix
  • Bulk popcorn