
DIY Eco-Friendly Gift wrap

DIY Eco-Friendly Gift wrap

The holiday season is full of wasteful practices, the least of which is gift wrap. This single-use paper item is the cause of a major uptick in paper use and requires a huge number of trees to be felled in order to meet the demand. This year, consider wrapping some of your gifts in DIY eco-friendly gift wrap for an eco-crafty-twist on your usual gift wrapping methods.

Try one of these alternative eco-friendly gift wrap options for a more environmental holiday season:

  • Paper grocery bags: These can be cut to be flat, stamped with patterns, and used for a rustic brown paper gift wrap option. Handwritten options also make paper grocery bag wrapping extra special
  • Magazine, book, and newspaper pages: Use pages from old books, magazines, and newspapers to create interesting literary masterpieces. Reusing paper that has already been made and printed is far better for the environment than purchasing newly made paper year after year
  • Tea towels: Gifting someone with kitchen-related items this year? Wrap them in a tea towel and make it part of the gift for a whimsical and eco-friendly alternative to wrapping paper