
Hang Dry Your Clothes

hang dry clothes


Doing laundry uses a lot of electricity, and a lot of water; but what if you could cut down on one of those? Your dryer accounts for nearly 1/12th of your yearly electric bill, making it one of the most expensive and energy costly tools in your home. Hang drying your clothes is a great way to reduce the amount of electricity you use, save you money, and keep your clothes looking nicer for longer.


Hang drying clothes eliminates all the negatives typically included in doing your laundry: Hang drying eliminates excess electricity use, cuts down on the number of chemicals you are using, and is gentler on clothes than conventional dryers. Hang drying is an all around win: Good for the environment, good for your wallet, and good for your clothes!


Did you know….

  • Dryers typically use nearly $100 worth of electricity every year - if you have a large family, that number is likely higher
  • Dryers can weaken fabric and may cause damage to your clothing over time. Dryers are also commonly associated with clothes shrinkage, and the intense high-heat used in the drying process can permanently alter the state of your clothing
  • Drying causes static, which is why dryer sheets were invented, but dryer sheets are full of nasty chemicals! Hang drying completely eliminates the risk of static