
Waxed Dental Floss vs. Unwaxed Dental Floss

waxed dental floss



Dental floss is one of those products most of us take for granted, and frankly don’t think very much about, but even floss comes with its questions, variations, and options. Taking care of your teeth is an everyday job, one that floss should play an integral part in, so you want to be sure you are making the right decisions for you and your teeth. While there may not be a massive number of dental floss option to choose from, you still have several choices, each with their own positives and negatives.

Why You Should Floss

Flossing is something everyone has been told they should do, but still not everyone does. Flossing is a super important part of dental hygiene, and should be a part of your everyday routine. Here are some of the benefits of regularly flossing your teeth:

  • Remove plaque: Removing plaque is probably the most well known benefit of flossing your teeth, and the one all dentists and concerned parents cite. Food and bacteria can build up between and on the teeth, squeezing into nooks and crannies that your regular toothbrush won’t be able to reach. Flossing is the only way to get those stubborn germs out from between your teeth, helping to prevent tooth decay and disease.
  • Brighten teeth:Besides causing tooth decay, plaque and other bacteria trapped in the teeth can make your pearly whites look, well, not so pearly white. Flossing removes small particles that may be discoloring your teeth, and helps to make your smile brighter and whiter.
  • Preserve gums:Your teeth aren’t the only part of your body that benefits from regular flossing; your gums love it too! Flossing helps to strengthen the gums, preventing gum disease, sensitivity, and bleeding. Flossing also removes plaque from the gums, helping you to fight gum/tooth diseases like gingivitis.
  • Overall health: Flossing gives you the opportunity to closely examine your teeth and gums at least once a day. This opportunity is important for several reasons: firstly, examining your teeth gums can give you a good indication of your dental health. Secondly, examining your teeth and gums can indicate overall health, or health problems. Certain medical conditions like some cancers and HIV/AIDS can cause the gums to swell or bleed. Taking a few extra minutes to examine and check your teeth and gums can help you preserve your smile and your body.

Types of Dental Floss

There are several types of dental floss available to you on the consumer market, and while they all do essentially the same thing, they each come with a series of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the dental floss options available to you:

  • Regular Dental Floss:Regular dental floss, the kind you typically find in a small plastic container, is the most commonly used flossing tool. Regular dental floss comes in waxed and unwaxed varieties, and is typically made from nylon. Unfortunately, nylon is a non-recyclable material, making dental floss a regular visitor to landfills. Similarly, the plastic boxes regular dental floss is packaged in cannot be recycled.
  • Dental Picks: Plastic picks with dental floss ends have become more popular in recent years, making it possible to floss one handed. The trouble with these picks is that, like regular dental floss, they cannot be recycled. Unlike regular dental floss however, dental picks are made mostly from plastic. The plastic is used to form the handle of the pick, making it easier to floss but way harder to dispose of. Dental picks are also significantly more expensive than regular dental floss, making them hard on the planet and your wallet.
  • Water flossing: Water flossing machines were all the race a few years ago, but have since lost some of their popularity. Water flossing machines shoot water between the teeth, cleaning and flushing them of bacteria. While this may sound like a more eco-friendly way to floss your teeth, it’s not. Water flossing takes up a fair amount of both water and electricity, using more resources than any other flossing tool. Water flossing machines can also be pretty expensive. Cheaper alternatives tend to break down quickly, or simply not perform well.


Clearly, regular dental floss is the most environmentally friendly option, but which kind of regular dental floss should you choose?

Waxed Vs. Unwaxed

You are probably wondering: is waxed dental floss better than unwaxed? Which should I choose to keep my teeth the cleanest? How do I choose? Don’t worry, we have answers.


Waxed dental floss is typically preferred over unwaxed dental floss for several reasons. Firstly, waxed floss is able to slide more easily between teeth, and is often considered more comfortable than unwaxed floss. Children, people with tightly spaced teeth, or those just beginning to floss should definitely start with waxed floss, as this will make the process of turning it into a habit easier. Waxed dental floss is also the best dental floss for individuals with braces, since the wax helps get in between teeth even with a metal barrier.


Second: According to some professionals, waxed floss may even be able to pick up more plaque. While the studies surrounding this idea are somewhat inconclusive, the wax coating on floss allows it to glide smoothly between teeth, getting the floss into hard to reach spaces where excess plaque may be hiding.


Unwaxed dental floss differs only in that it does not have a coating, making it slightly thinner and unable to be flavored. Unwaxed floss requires more effort to get between the teeth, and may not glide as smoothly as the waxed version.


So where’s the debate? Sounds like everyone should be using waxed floss, right? While we agree that waxed floss is better, there are some legitimate reasons for being wary. Commercially made waxed dental floss is typically coated in industrial chemicals like Teflon. While low levels of exposure to these chemicals will not cause you harm, continued use may be something to be concerned about.

A Healthier Way to Floss

Even though flossing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your daily routine to maintain your health, Wowe Lifestyle has made flossing even more healthy with Natural Biodegradable Silk Dental Floss! Wowe’s natural dental floss is made from natural silk, one of the only biodegradable alternatives to nylon floss. Unlike nylon, silk is 100% biodegradable, so you never have to worry that your floss is piling up in a landfill.


As well as being entirely biodegradable and non-toxic to the earth, the natural silk dental floss from Wowe is also non-toxic to people. Instead of an industrial chemical coating, the Wowe silk dental floss is coated in 100% natural candelilla wax, and flavored with natural mint. Fully natural and non-toxic, the Wowe natural floss is the best silk dental floss you will ever find.


As if being a biodegradable dental floss weren’t enough, this awesome product comes with a reusable stainless steel cutter container, perfect for storing your floss until you need it. Never again will you need to throw away an empty plastic floss container. Simply refill your cutter container with a silk dental floss refill and continue to enjoy your healthy gums.

Save the Planet One Product at a Time

It can be hard to find natural and biodegradable alternatives to the products we use every day, but finding them is well worth it. By putting in the effort to make better decisions for your health and the health of the planet, you can feel good about doing your part. Here are some more amazing eco-friendly alternatives for products you use each and every day:

  • Toothbrushes: Toothbrushes are a similarly non-recyclable dental tool, often made entirely out of plastics and nylon. Plastic toothbrushes take up to begin to 1000 years to decompose, meaning your toothbrush and mine will live long after even our children’s generation. The amount of toothbrushes thrown away every year is a staggering 1 billion in the US alone, making them one of the most common items found in landfills.


Instead of opting for a traditional plastic toothbrush, consider trying one of Wowe’s Eco-Friendly and Natural Bamboo Toothbrushes. Made entirely from bamboo, these toothbrushes are biodegradable, or can be upcycled once you have finished using them.


  • Razors: Those little pink-plastic razors you find the drug store may be convenient, but they are incredibly bad for the environment. No part of a conventional plastic razor is recyclable, and even reusable plastic razors require you throw away the cartridge. Instead of wasting even more plastic, try Wowe’s Eco-Friendly Double Edge Safety Razor. This amazing razor can be used for years with no signs of aging, and is made from water and splinter resistant bamboo. All the metal components of this awesome and beautiful razor are recyclable, including the individual blades.


Are you interested in finding more eco-friendly alternatives to the products you use every day? Visit Wowe Lifestyle and see what you can do to make your life a little more green!