
Positive Thoughts


Every day I awake with purpose, make my bed, create my mental to-do list, then open the shutters to let in the sunshine. Just as the morning sunlight illuminates my bedroom, I feel the warmth and power of gratitude embrace my being.  Gratitude for all the blessings I have in my life.

My daily morning routine used to consist of getting three little girls ready for their day, making breakfast, kissing my husband goodbye, packing lunches, tidying up the house, putting in a load of laundry, dropping the girls off at two different schools, then heading straight for my morning workout. While some of my mom friends felt that #momlife and #suburbia induced routines were mundane and completely monotonous, I relished and thrived in my morning routine. I felt nothing less than complete happiness. Hiking was my absolute favorite. I loved exploring new trails, putting my phone away and just enjoying the breeze of the outdoors while focusing on my breath during every challenging uphill step.  I inhaled the picturesque views and felt pumped afterward to tackle the rest of my day.

 hiking with a view

Then, one day, while enjoying a snow day activity with my children, I suffered a debilitating ankle injury. Today, four months later, after being in constant pain and needing ankle boots, casts, crutches and a wheelchair (only to find out that I will most likely need surgery and have to begin the rehabilitation process all over again) my positive daily thoughts have shifted. I still awake with purpose, yet struggle to make my bed and slowly limp to the window to let the sunlight bathe my room and my mind in warmth.  Although my daily routine has shifted, dramatically, gratitude for what I do have continues to lead the way. In the midst of adversity, I strive to be an example for my girls of strength, determination and perpetual grit. No longer can I run and chase my little girls around the yard, gleefully laughing, to love them up, but instead, moments of soft words, kind actions and lots of kisses fill our home. Positive energy permeates my being and lifts my spirit as a result of the supportive people, close to me, who continue to cheer me on for a speedy recovery.

crutches at the doctors cast signing

My injury has provided me with a new perspective from which I teach my daughters to be thankful for eyes that see, ears that hear and feet that walk. I pray that I will, someday soon, get better and be back to hiking new exciting trails, but until then, I am SO grateful for the positive thoughts and loving people helping me along the way.