
Teaching Our Kids About Recycling

In this 21st century, fast paced world in which we live, it takes effort to look up from our smart phones, put down our fast food and take a breath of gratitude for the simple life sustaining gifts gleaned from our Earth!  Teaching our children mindfulness, kindness and environmental awareness takes even more preparedness.

How can we convey to our children that each action is a footprint that creates the path to Earth’s future?

Here are some of the ways in which we are teaching our children to leave mindful, productive and Earth sustaining footprints:

  • We go through our recycle bin, before trash pick up, and the girls select items for their next project. Once your children get into the mindset of creating and/or inventing something new, from disposable materials, the opportunities of creation and invention are endless!  
  • One powerful way to reduce objects is to set the focus on embracing experiences, collecting moments and recording memories. Our girls explore nature, run with abandon, and engage in creative play.
  • Compost! Our girls love throwing their waste into our soil and watching old waste create new life.
  • Brainstorming and implementing habits of reducing, reusing and recycling is the best way to internalize the importance of Earth sustaining habits on developing minds.

Happy Earth Day!

Today and Every Day